Local Dr. Appointment Transportation
Get to all your appointments on time!

Caring transportation to
dr. appointments
Many times, patients have difficulty managing their basic transportation needs amid their medical care. Managing frequent appointments to and from facilities for care, treatments, and follow-ups, as well as trips to pharmacies when gathering at-home supplies can put further strain on a patient and their family.
It is also not uncommon for patients to have to travel long distances to a treating facility, sometimes requiring an overnight stay and an additional cost of lodging. Because seeing your doctors is so important to your health, we want to help make doing so as easy for you as possible. We can arrange non-emergency transportation to your doctor’s appointments.
You can schedule transportation by calling our offices at 516.883.1900. You can also schedule transportation by creating an online account and using our online reservation portal.
Delux would be more than happy to handle all your transportation needs.

For many years, we have used Delux and continue to for airport runs, local pick-ups, and even many out-of-town trips with great satisfaction. One of our best experiences has also been with doctors appointments. We have used Delux for routine appts where the driver has waited with us, and for more serious appointments where we have needed the driver to “sign” us out and take us home (colonoscopy, day surgery). There is no travel service they cannot do.